Most Bridgton residents know that a new Sign Ordinance went into effect on June 11, 2019 -but you may not be aware of some of the changes. It is important to review the ordinance to ensure you are not in violation.
In early Spring, Code Enforcement will be notifying those not in compliance and requiring removal. Take a moment now and ensure you are adhering to regulations.
Please contact Brenda Day, Code Enforcement Officer or Kari Downs, Administrative Assistant with any questions.
Thank you!
Just a reminder to all citizens to make sure your house has proper identification so that emergency services can locate your home in the event of an emergency. Numbers shall be displayed on a post, fence, wall, mail box, or on some structure at the property line adjacent to the walk or access drive to the residence or structure. The numbers displayed shall be no less than four (4) inches in height. The numbers displayed shall be of contrasting color to the building.
Remember: They can’t help you, if they can’t
find you.