Town of Bridgton


The Bridgton Appeals Board will conduct a Public Hearing at The Bridgton Town Office, Three Chase Street, Suite 1, Bridgton, Maine on Thursday March 31, 2022, beginning at 5:00p.m. to consider the following:

An Administrative Appeal filed by David A. Lourie, Law Office of David A. Lourie on behalf of Rodney Danielson, Scott Sanson, and Joseph Faris from the Bridgton Planning Board’s Decision dated January 4, 2022, of the R&R Investments/34 Aspen Drive application for a Subdivision Amendment, located at 34 Aspen Drive, Bridgton, Maine 04009, known as Bridgton Tax Map 12 Lot 58-8

The application is available for viewing at the Bridgton Town Office by appointment only. All interested individuals are invited to attend at the above place and time to present any legal argument concerning the decision of the Planning Board.