April 30, 2020

Re:  COVID-19 Update

On March 18, 2020 the Town of Bridgton closed all Municipal buildings to the public until April 30, 2020.   On April 29, 2020 a new Executive Order, No. 49, issued by Governor Mills, extended the April 30th “Stay Safer at Home” order, through May 31, 2020.  The Town of Bridgton Municipal Buildings will be closed to the Public until May 31, 2020 at which time the situation will be further assessed.  Town Staff will continue to work remotely and, on a staggered schedule, from the office.   The Town Office phones are being actively answered Monday – Friday 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.

Updates will be provided via our web-site and Facebook  This situation is ongoing, and subject to change pending additional information and updates.

Board and Committee Meetings will be limited.  However, if necessary, essential meetings will be conducted utilizing the services of LRTV and/or virtual meetings.  Virtual meetings will be advertised in advance with a phone number and access code allowing the public to participate.

A secure drop box is located at the main entrance of the Town Office and can be used for payments, applications and General Assistance documents.

General Assistance applications will be processed by phone only, Tuesdays and Thursdays during the hours of 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m.  For more information on the application process and program requirements, please visit: or call Laurie Chadbourne, Town Clerk at 207-803-9950

Bridgton Recreation Department and Old Town Hall – The Town Hall is closed to the public until May 31, 2020 at which time the situation will be further assessed.  Information regarding spring summer programs will be forthcoming.  You can Pen Pal with Bridgton Rec Staff by simply sending them an email at  Please visit for on-line registration.  For additional questions, please contact Gary Colello, Recreation Director, 207-647-1126 or by email:

Bridgton Public Safety: The Iredale entrance will remain locked.    If you have an emergency please call 911.   For more information call the non-emergency number at 207-647-8814:

Bridgton Public Services, 31 Willett Road: The facility is closed to the public.  Public Services Personnel will be performing essential services as needed or necessary.  Please contact David Madsen with questions or concerns at 207-647-1127 or by email:

The Transfer Station, 118 Sandy Creek Road, will remain open regular hours, 7:00 a.m.– 5:00p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Staff has implemented measures to limit potential exposure – staff have been directed not to assist in unloading vehicles.  The store and bottle redemption donation area is closed to the public. Any questions call David Madsen, Public Services Director, 207-647-1127 or by email:

Town Staff are monitoring calls and emails and responding regularly. A full list of staff and department phone numbers can be found on-line at: and are listed below:

Robert A. Peabody, Jr., Town Manager                     Georgiann M. Fleck, Deputy Town Manager

207-803-9958                                                              207-803-9959                          

Todd Perreault, EMA Director                                   Catherine Pinkham, Health Officer

207-803-9971                                                              207-803-9064                                  

Richard Stillman, Police Chief                                   Tom Harriman, Fire Chief

207-647-8814                                                              207-803-9955                           

Laurie Chadbourne, Town Clerk                                Brenda Day, Code Enforcement Officer

207-803-9950                                                              207-803-9963                     

Charisse Keach, Finance Officer                                Linda LaCroix, Community Development

207-803-9957                                                              207-803-9956                              

David Madsen, Public Services Director                    Gary Colello, Recreation Director

207-647-1127                                                              207-647-1126                          

 211 Maine provides free, confidential information and referral services, by phone, text or email.

Additional COVID-19 information, updated daily, is available from the CDC:

General information regarding Governor Janet T. Mills, including executive orders:

If you have questions, please contact Robert A. Peabody, Jr. at 207-803-9958 or by email: