Town of Bridgton
The Bridgton Planning Board will conduct a Public Hearing at The Bridgton Town Office, 3 Chase Street, Suite 1, Bridgton, Maine on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, beginning at 5:00p.m. to consider the following:
An application filed by Sebago Technics for a project entitled “Rolfe Corporation Libby Pit and Quarry”, located on Trails Edge Way, Bridgton, Maine 04009, known as Bridgton Tax Map 11 Lot 1A.
Prior to the Public Hearing at 3:00p.m., the Board will conduct a Site Walk at the proposed property on Trails Edge Way. The public is welcome to attend.
The application is available for viewing at the Bridgton Town Office by appointment only. Please contact Loralee Phillips, Planning Board Secretary, at for an emailed copy of the application. All interested individuals are invited to attend at the above place and time or may participate via Zoom.