Current Committee Members

Tom Chandel, Chair
P.O. Box 7
Bridgton, Maine 04009

Roseana Richards, Vice-Chair
17 Tarry A While Road
Bridgton, Maine 04009

Bridgette Fuller, Recorder
56 Holden Hills
Bridgton, Maine 04009

Tim Creem
P.O. Box 38
Bridgton, Maine 04009

Albert “Ted” E Gibbons Jr.
P.O. Box 676
Bridgton, Maine 04009

Patrick “Skip” Sullivan
480 Upper Ridge Road
Bridgton, Maine 04009

David Welbourn
9 Coveside Lane
Bridgton, Maine 04009

Robert “Bob” Peabody Jr, Town Manager
3 Chase Street, Suite 1
Bridgton, Maine 04009

Robert J. McHatton Sr., Select Board Liaison
207 South High Street
(207) 647-4280

NARRATIVE: The Investment Committee was formed when the Town of Bridgton established their trust funds.  The need for compliance to state and federal law in addition to generally accepted accounting procedures while investing the principal and interest of the trust funds become the primary concern for the Town.  The investment committee continues to in that role.

MISSION AND CHARGE: The Investment Committee acts as an advisory committee and resource to the Select Board.  Upon acceptance and approval of the Committee’s recommendations regarding investment of the funds, the Select Board, shall authorize the Town Manager to execute the recommendations and report back to both the Select Board and the Committee.  The Committee shall review performance of the investments, how they are structured and recommend the investment strategies that account for risk and return on investments, in accordance with prevailing law and accepted investment practices.

AUTHORITY: The Committee shall report to the Select Board at least quarterly, the work and progress they have achieved on various assignments and issues.  As an advisory committee, the Committee makes recommendations to the Board for consideration.  The Committee may request volunteers to assist their efforts, however such persons are not considered voting members of the Committee.  The Committee may request additional authorization from the Select Board for specific activities.

APPOINTMENTS: Members are appointed by the Select Board on an annual basis, usually in January of each year.  The Board may also appoint members during the year as they deem necessary.

MEETINGS: The Committee shall hold regular public meetings, be responsible for the creation and posting of all agendas and the creation of the public record of each meeting in accordance with the prevailing state law.  Such records shall be forwarded to the Select Board and any other entities they are working with.

AMENDMENTS: The Select Board may amend this Charge and Mission as they deem appropriate.

Upcoming Events

Oct 10

Investment Advisory Committee Meeting

October 10 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am