Current Committee Members

Peter Lowell (Chair) –

Matt Markot (Vice-Chair)-

Colin Holme-

Glen Jukkola –

Brian Mayhew –

June Sleeper –


Read the Town of Bridgton Open Space Plan here


NARRATIVE:  The Town of Bridgton Select Board adopted the Town of Bridgton Open Space Plan on July 25, 2023. This Committee is being formed to implement goals and strategies written in the plan.

MISSION AND CHARGE: The Open Space Committee acts as an advisory committee and resource to the Select Board. The Committee will coordinate with other entities within the Town government including the Comprehensive Plan Update Task Force, Recreation Department, and Community Development Advisory Committee. The key element of the Committee’s mission is to carry out the implementation chapter (chapter 7) of the Town of Bridgton Open Space Plan.

AUTHORITY:  The Committee shall report to the Select Board at least monthly on their work and progress. As an advisory committee, the Open Space Committee makes recommendations to the Board for consideration. The Community Development Director shall function as staff for the Committee. The Committee may request volunteers to assist their efforts, however such persons are not considered voting members of the Committee. The Committee may request additional authorization from the Select Board for specific activities.

PROCESS AND COMPLIANCE: Every member of the Committee shall comply with existing state law and the policies and procedures of the town including but not limited to the conduct and notice of meetings, the Town’s Ethics and Guidelines Policy, conflict of interest laws and the Town Personnel Policies.

APPOINTMENTS:  The Committee shall consist of no more than five (5) members of the public appointed by the Select Board. The committee members will include a representative from Loon Echo Land Trust, and five (5) members from the public. The Town Manager, Recreation Director, and Community Development Director will serve as ex-officio members.

MEETINGS:  The Committee shall hold regular public meetings, be responsible for the creation and posting of all agendas and the creation of the public record of each meeting in accordance with the prevailing state law.  Such records shall be forwarded to the Select Board and any other entities they are working with.

AMENDMENTS: The Select Board may amend this Charge and Mission as they deem appropriate.

The Open Space Committee meets the first Thursday of every month at 4:00 p.m.