David Madsen

Wastewater Superintendent

Howard Truesdell

Wastewater Foreman

Mariah Hawkins

Administrative Assistant

Robert A. Peabody, Jr.

Town Manager

Proposed new sewer represented in blue.

How To Connect To The New Wastewater System!

Applications Now Available!

Fill out the application form linked below and return to: Town of Bridgton, Public Works Department, 3 Chase Street, Suite 1, Bridgton, Maine 04009 (or) scan and e-mail to: mhawkins@bridgtonmaine.org

* A Plumbing Permit Application will also be required by the Code Enforcement Department *

Application for plumbing permit



Local Contractors Who Can Assist with Connections:

Warren Excavation, Inc. – 42 Bruce Warren Lane – 207.749.7407

Rolfe Corporation – 91 Home Run Road – 207.647.9500

Hatch Excavation, Inc. – 80 Wayside Ave. – 207.647.2171


Low income residents who need financial assistance paying for the construction costs associated with connection to the system, are welcome to apply for the Wastewater Connection Program. please click the link for more information or stop by the Town Office for an information packet.

2024 Wastewater Connection Assistance Application

Questions? Please contact us below:

Administrative Assistant

Mariah Hawkins / E-mail: mhawkins@bridgtonmaine.org / Phone: 207.803.9999

Wastewater Foreman

Howard Truesdell / E-mail: htruesdell@bridgtonmaine.org / Phone: 207.256.2212

Wastewater Connection Assistance Program

Nikki Hodgkins / E-mail: wwcap@bridgtonmaine.org / Phone: 207.647.8786

About the Bridgton Wastewater Dept.

The Town of Bridgton constructed a limited public sewer system and developed a public program for the replacement of malfunctioning private septic systems after extensive evaluations of the alternatives available to the Town and its citizens to solve then-existing sewage treatment problems. The Town operates two wastewater treatment facilities and treated effluent subsurface disposal systems, known as the Dodge Field and the Lower Ball Field. These two systems are regulated under a State of Maine Department of Environmental Protection Waste Discharge License.

The Town currently operates the system as an Enterprise Fund with the operating costs being borne by the users of the system. The Board of Selectmen approve an annual budget and set the Service charges. The Service charges consist of the following components:

  1. A debt service fee to provide a source of revenue for debt retirement costs of the Bridgton Sewer System. The debt service fee shall be a fixed fee based on the User’s designated Equivalent Use.
  2.  An operation and maintenance fee to recover the costs of operating and maintaining the Bridgton Sewer System. The operation and maintenance fee shall be comprised of:
    1. a charge per 100 cubic feet of the User’s water usage, and
    2. a fixed fee based on the User’s designated Equivalent Use.
  3. A reserve account fee to offset costs of future system improvements. The reserve account fee shall be a fixed fee based on the User’s designated Equivalent Use.

Wastewater Project

Estimated Schedule