Current Committee Members

Leonard Rudin, Chair
182 Summit Drive
Bridgton, ME  04009

Deborah “Deb” Brusini
35 Summit Drive
Bridgton, ME 04009

Kevin Raday, Vice-Chair
51/63 Alpine Road
Bridgton ME 04009

Mary Tworog
4 Hillcrest Ave
Bridgton ME 04009

Suzanne Schrader
2 Hoyts Ridge Road
Bridgton ME 04009

Carmen Lone, Selectboard Liaison
114 North High Street, Bridgton, ME  04009

NARRATIVE:  The Ordinance Review Committee is formed to review ordinances and recommend changes excepting those ordinances that are under the purview of the Planning Board i.e. Site Plan Review, Land Use Ordinance and Tower Ordinance.

MISSION AND CHARGE:  The Ordinance Review Committee acts as an advisory committee and resource to the Select Board.  The key elements of the Committee’s mission are to review approved Ordinances, draft Ordinance revisions and present their recommendations to the Select Board for the Town Meeting Warrant.  Suggested revisions may come from the Select Board, Planning Board, Appeals Board or from the Committee during June, July and August and are kept on file in the Office of Planning and Community Development.

A proposed work plan is presented to the Select Board at the first meeting in August for approval.  The Committee submits their draft revisions to the Select Board at the Board’s first meeting in February.

AUTHORITY:  The Committee shall report to the Select Board at least monthly on their work and progress.  As an advisory committee, the Ordinance Review Committee makes recommendations to the Board for consideration.  The Committee may request volunteers to assist their efforts, however such persons are not considered voting members of the Committee.

PROCESS AND COMPLIANCE:  Every member of the Committee shall comply with existing state law and the policies and procedures of the town including but not limited to the conduct and notice of meetings, the Town’s Ethics and Guidelines Policy, conflict of interest laws and the Town Personnel Policies.

APPOINTMENTS:  Members are appointed by the Select Board and will serve three (3) year terms.  The initial terms of the Committee shall be one member for a one (1) year term, two members for two (2) year terms and two members for three (3) year terms.  The Committee shall consist of three (3) to seven (7) of which one (1) will represent the Planning Board and remainder will be citizens.  The Town Manager or Deputy Town Manager will be ex officio members.  The Director of Planning and Community Development will serve as staff to the Committee.

MEETINGS:  The Committee shall hold regular public meetings, be responsible for the creation and posting of all agendas and the creation of the public record of each meeting in accordance with prevailing state law.  Such records shall be forwarded to the Select Board and any other entities they are working with.

AMENDMENTS:  The Select Board may amend this Charge and Mission as they deem appropriate.

Approved 08/23/16 REV. 12/13/16; Revised 05/08/18

Upcoming Meetings