Current Planning Board Members
Anyone wishing to submit written comments about an application can email the Board secretary. Your full name and address must be included within the email, or it may not be considered by the Planning Board
Loralee Phillips, Secretary
Deb Brusini, Chair(2025)
35 summit Drive, Bridgton, ME 04009
Rolf P. Madsen, Vice Chair (2025)
51 Brockelbank Drive, Bridgton, ME 04009
Angela (Angie) Cook (2026)
34 Campbell Drive, Bridgton, ME 04009
Margaret (Maggie) Lynn (2027)
15 Church St, Bridgton, ME 04009
Daniel Harden (2024)
107 Wildwood Rd, Bridgton, ME 04009
Catherine S. DiPietro, Alternate (2025)
77 South High Street, Bridgton ME 04009
Open Position, Alternate (2024)
Drummond Woodsum LD 2003 Implementation–
Preliminary Legal Assessment Document found here
Meeting changes and/or cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted here and by Public Notice.
Watch the Latest Meeting
Most meetings are covered by Lake Region TV and can be viewed on their Bridgton vimeo stream: Here
The Planning Board meets the 1st Tuesday of every month, with special meetings and hearings by Public Announcement.
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