Municipal Officers’ Notice of Public Hearing
The Municipal Officers of the Town of Bridgton will hold a Public Hearing at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at the Bridgton Town Hall located at 26 North High Street in Bridgton to hear public comment on the following question that will be presented to the voters at a Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 6:00 P.M.:
(Affordable Housing TIF) Shall the following vote be adopted:
Shall the voters of the Town of Bridgton, Maine designate an affordable housing development district to be known as the “15 Harrison Road Municipal Affordable Housing Development and Tax Increment Financing District” and adopt the Development Program for the District such designation and adoption to be pursuant to the following findings, terms and provisions?
WHEREAS, the Town of Bridgton (the “Town”) is authorized pursuant to Chapter 206,
Subchapter 3 of Title 30-A of the Maine Revised Statutes, as amended, to designate specified areas within the Town as Affordable Housing Development Districts and to adopt a development program for such Districts; and
WHEREAS, it has been proposed that the Town designate certain land located at 15 Harrison Road as the “15 Harrison Road Municipal Affordable Housing Development and Tax Increment Financing District” (the “District”) and adopt a development program for the District (the “Development Program”); and
WHEREAS, the Town has held a public hearing on the question of establishing the District
and adopting the Development Program, in accordance with the requirements of 30-A M.R.S.A.
Subsection 5250, upon at least ten (10) days prior notice published in the Portland Press Herald, a newspaper of general circulation within the Town; and
WHEREAS, it is expected that approval will be sought and obtained from the Maine State
Housing Authority (the Authority) approving the designation of the District and the adoption of the Development Program for the District; and
WHEREAS, at least 25% of the property within the District is suitable for residential use,
and in need of rehabilitation or redevelopment; and
- The designation of the District and pursuit of the Development Program will create affordable, livable housing within the Town of Bridgton, and therefore constitutes a good and valid public purpose.
- Pursuant to Chapter 206, subchapter 3 of Title 30-A of the Maine Revised Statutes, as amended, the Town hereby designates the 15 Harrison Road Municipal Affordable Housing Development and Tax Increment Financing District as more particularly described in the documents presented to the Town Meeting in the form attached hereto.
- Pursuant to the provisions of 30-A M.R.S.A., Subsection 5250-A, the percentage of captured assessed value to be retained in accordance with the Development Program is to be established as set forth in the Development Program.
- The Town Manager be and is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to submit the proposed designation of the District and the proposed Development Program for the District to the Maine State Housing Authority for review and approval pursuant to the requirements of 30-A M.R.S.A. Chapter 206, subchapter 3.
- The Town Manager be and is hereby authorized and empowered at his discretion from time to time to make such revisions to the Development Program for the District as he/she deems reasonably necessary or convenient in order to facilitate the process of review and approval of the District by the Maine State Housing Authority, or for any other reason so long as such provisions are not inconsistent with these resolutions or the basic structure and intent of the Development Program.
- The foregoing designation of the District and the adoption of the Development Program shall automatically become final and shall take full force and effect upon receipt by the Town Board of Selectmen of approval of the designation of the District and adoption of the Development Program by the Maine State Housing Authority, without requirements of further action by the Town, the Board of Selectmen or any other party. Upon approval of the District and Development Program by Maine State Housing Authority, the Town Manager is further authorized to execute and deliver a Credit Enhancement Agreement between the Town and the owner of all land in the District in form and substance substantially identical to that attached as an exhibit to the Development Program.
- The Town Manager be and is hereby authorized to create a Municipal Project Cost Account, as contemplated by the Development Program in the name of and on behalf of the Town, such Account to be in such form and to contain such terms and provisions, not inconsistent with the Development Program and this Order, and a percentage of the proceeds of the Municipal Project Cost account, as specified in the Development Program, shall be used to defray operating expenses for eligible projects within the District, consistent with the Development Program. Said Development Program and Account to be reviewed and approved by the Town Solicitor or his/her designee.
- The Town Manager is authorized to file the yearly reports required by 30-A M.R.S.A. § 5250-E and otherwise to take all lawful actions required in the administration of the District and Development program.
For more information click below:
Maine State Housing Authority Application for Affordable Housing Tax Increment Financing click here
August 11, 2020 Special Town Meeting Warrant click here